Precepts are just the power to maintain normal social conditions. for those who behave normally not spilling out into chaos because the old era, the old era, was very detailed To suit the people of that era, but in this era, people will have new precepts. new meditation so as not to prevent the rapid penetration of wisdom It possesses the original sublime wisdom discovered by the Lord Buddha and results in a rapid effect when the power of wisdom begins to form at its full potential. When the power of wisdom walks or goes out of power that is, to the Noble Path The highest results can be obtained immediately. And that's the point. leading to a new system of dharma practice for nirvana in accordance with this new world and it is the true Dharma practice of the free people, that is
1. People do not need to surrender themselves. Leave yourself as a student to your teacher. Usually, originally had to do so. But this new era cuts this out completely. having to surrender come to worship and pay respect to be a disciple first This supreme academic education is not necessary. For this generation You just act as a free person who has a true mindset to study the Dharma according to its teachings. In order to have a rational self-expression and one's self-rewarding effect only arises from the influence of one's own wisdom on one's own self.
2. Teachers who will teach the subjects of morality, concentration, and wisdom in a new way. not wishing to have disciples especially the students in the original way is to worship, worship, worship, revere Because being a teacher, a teacher, a disciple, a disciple does not help attaining the Noble Truth at all. It is purely intellectual achievement. This intellectual success has nothing to do with being a teacher or a disciple or even a disciple. but only about the practice of the intellectual in accordance with the point of the new intellectual teaching that has been suggested. The Buddha was only a guide. If you don't walk by yourself there is no way to achieve the goal having to walk by myself in the direction you pointed That is the most important thing for the success of the people of this era.
3. Understanding the truth about morality, concentration and wisdom will be explained and practiced in a new way. In particular, it is almost unnecessary to focus heavily on precepts and meditation, as has been practiced in the latter era, and in this era, there will be an emphasis on wisdom. Much stronger than the power of concentration until when I met him We hardly need to rely on the power of meditation or the power of precepts, and this is the point of great suitability. For the practice of dharma for the attainment of the path, nirvana for the new generation. and that the new generation will be able to operate on their own like free people self-respecting person Respect cause and effect and, of course, are achieved in a sequential fashion. to the noble person in the same order as before Only this will be a shortcut to the position of the highest noble person, the Arhat, without having to go through the first order, namely, Sotanaban Person, Sakdagami Person, Anagami Person. effect shows
4. What do we need? don't want anything In addition to wanting to give the highest subjects of the Lord Buddha, Samana Gotama, that we have already met. will give the greatest benefit The best of the best for the people of this era. Please do a general study of the basics first from our website.
and with this method All the people in the world who recently had a world population record of 7.6 billion people will be able to study the Dharma. The path of Nirvana can be attained with this new type of education easily accessible all over the world.
จึงถึงคราวที่จะมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงวิถีทางการสอนอบรมพระพุทธศาสนา โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง แนวทางทฤษฎีและการปฏิบัติให้เป็นไปแบบสอดคล้องกับยุคสมัยยิ่งขึ้น ไปอีกแนวทางใหม่ ที่สอดคล้องสถานะกาลโลกยุคใหม่ โลกยุค New World Era ที่เริ่มมาแล้ว ตั้งแต่กึ่งพุทธกาลมา กึ่งพุทธกาลช่วงต่อไปนี้ จึงสมควรมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงด้านปริยัติ ปฏิบัติ ไปสู่ปฏิเวธธรรมอันล้ำเลิศ วิเศษดั้งเดิม ด้วยการปฏิบัติแนวใหม่ ที่ยังคงนำไปสู่ผล อันนำไปสู่ความเป็นอริยบุคคล เหมือนเดิม มีความบรรลุธรรมสู่ ความเป็นพระโสดาบัน สกทาคามี อนาคามี และ อรหันต์ เหมือนเดิม
นี่แหละจึงมี Buddhism to the New World Era พระพุทธศาสนาสู่โลกยุคใหม่ ขึ้นมาบัดนี้แล้ว
บันทึก ณ 8 ม.ค.2564 20.00 น.
Buddhism to the New World Era
1.Thai 2. English
∑∑ Praise of Buddhism refers to the religion that was born from Lord Buddha and Buddhism this There is a prediction that it will be 5,000 years old.When it arrived in the year 2,500, it was considered to have entered the half Buddhist era.
What we have seen in the human stories in this semi-modern era is The world has changed to a new world with everything. With the development of science Make the human world Have discovered what is known as technology for being used to benefit the human way of life in many ways until returning the old world to a new world from the subject of living, food, clothing. Live and medicine In particular, what is easy to see is that of vehicles and transportation that are now at different levels in different worlds and the communication of the world. It's a completely new world.
This is the half-Buddha era when the human world or human society has changed. From the beginning of the Buddha era to Middle age Buddhism
What Buddhism has discovered By that prince Prince Siddhartha Who abdicated the throne To discover the insight or truth about life that has not been suffering in all eternity, which is an important principle of Buddhism That people have always known and believed to be the best path That leads to the Nirvana world. The world of eternal suffering That is, attaining the status of noble person or noble person. The attained human has changed from the ordinary human to the ascetic, respectively, from the singleness of the Sakthakami, the Anakami to the Arahant, to the Buddha.
But what is a practical teaching Which is the principle of practice That is the cause of achieving results Such nirvana was originally a tool for the old world, human society has a status not much different from ancient primitive societies, a world without modern technology as a wonderful item today. Nature still has a divine influence on all people. Which is different from this half-Buddha era Like the front of the hand as the back of the hand The modern world that has progressed far from the old world, at the back of our hands today. But teaching Buddhism for liberation The practice of dharma for the path to nirvana Is still a traditional doctrine For the primitive man, the early era, that Buddha era
When it comes to this new age, methods or practice To reach the ultimate goal The best thing about Buddhism is the Pathway. Nirvana is still an old method. That can be called by modern languages That it was not modern, which resulted in the practice of Dharma of the Lord Buddha 7, the Lord Buddha was not correct and correct of the modern man after the semi-modern era Achieving the Path of Nirvana Therefore it is difficult to have To the point of disappearing completely, disappearing from the world
Therefore it was time to change the teaching and training methods of Buddhism Especially Theories and practices are more consistent with the times. To another new approach Which corresponds to the state of the modern world, the New World Era that has already begun Since half-time Semi-Buddhist period following Therefore, there should be a change in discipline and practice towards the transcendent wrath Original magic With new practices That still leads to results Which leads to nobility as before The singleness, Sakthakami, Anakami and Arhat are the same
So there is Buddhism to the New World Era, Buddhism to the new world. Up now
∑∑ And it comes a time that really deserves for the whole modern world. That caused severe disasters all over the world From the bad virus, COVID-19 Since the end of the year 2020 until today and now Which this virus threat itself It is a danger that the world needs to apply the principles of truth in Buddhism to complement the practice of medicine and public health science. From the principle of seclusion in Buddhism to protect oneself Used to treat serious diseases And society in the world, especially the world, the world's highest powers Like the United States and Europe That was destroyed by the threat of COVID died incessantly up to a million lives as a corpse, respectively. Which is the most terrifying matter Although Thailand itself Buddhist land There will still be very little danger from COVID compared to the rest of the world. In Thailand, 66 people died, compared to the entire world 200,000 bodies were quite different.
And that is the reason why Buddha Dharma Will be spread out from this country To help remind And lead to the escape from the terrible disease And finally escape the dangers of suffering in the world It is a good opportunity to take the whole world to travel directly to the world of Nippapan. According to the most glorious teachings in Buddhism all over the world Fighting COVID Through Medicine And public health And continue to the Dharma way of the Lord Buddha At this time That is the way to achieve nobility For the whole world Suffering from this COVID-19 virus is the world to turn to the teachings of those who know. Lord Buddha For the world to survive And therefore go to peace, that is, the pathway in Buddhism at the same time all over the world at this opportunity That is the resurrection to the world of the semi-modern era. For Buddhism Of the Lord Buddha.
The truth of the Lord Buddha is being tested by the whole world due to the virus from the Covid-19 itself.
terrible COVID-19 era that is draining the whole world. Which is the highest truth of the Lord Buddha That hides the profound meaning of the truth of salvation from Covid 19 And escaped from the cycle of pity For all people to have the opportunity to achieve the greatest benefit, which is to the path of Nirvana, the land that is free from suffering everlasting.
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